Why choose Embroidery?

Ayrshire workwear embroidery workwear

There is no question how networking and marketing are important to any business. As an entrepreneur, you’re always obliged to put your best foot forward and have your company name out there. One of the best ways to do this remains to be custom clothing; and even with the popularity of modern day silk screening and other forms of digital printing, custom embroidery is still a timeless choice.

Here are three reasons why you should opt for custom embroidery for your business’ marketing and other apparel needs.

Personal Branding

Often times, personal branding is all about giving a first impression; and having a well-designed and professionally embroidered polo shirt will definitely help show how appealing your company or image is. Having your logo or name embroidered on a shirt gives off a premium and unique feel, while using custom uniforms will serve as additional or walking promotions for your brand.

Personalized Options

You can have your employees or even loyal customers feel more valued through custom embroidery. Having their names or titles placed alongside your logo looks and feels premium and clean without sacrificing brand identity. Also, you have nearly an infinite array of options in color and style to choose from!


Consider custom embroidery as an investment. It lasts longer compared to silk screen printing while its colors don’t fade and the design won’t peel off or be prone to damage when ironed. Here at Minuteman Press Kilmarnock, we always guarantee that our embroidered designs are durable enough to last for years, even for a lifetime given proper care.

For more information on how embroidery can help your business, visit our blog again as we update it from time to time. For more advice and free quotation, please feel free to send us a message here or give us a call at Minuteman Press Kilmarnock. 

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